Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Goals and Personal Mission Statement

As a self-discovery activity, it is important to go through the process of identifying my mission statement. After a lot of thought and some struggle, I managed to put into words (using the Mission Statement handout) my personal Mission Statement for my life. It reads as follows:

My life mission is to love and create, and to nurture wholeness in Christ 
with my friends, family, and those in the entertainment industry. 

In addition to the mission statement activity, we are expected to set up goals for ourselves in three life areas. 
The areas I chose are: Spiritual, Academic, and Fitness. 

Spiritual: To devote time to God every day

  • To spend 15 minutes alone with God every day for 1 month and record times in a journal. 
  • Starting on the first day of month 2, I will spend a solid 30 minutes with God every day and maintain that habit, continuing to write down the times in my journal. That 30 min at minimum will be maintained indefinitely.
Academic: To earn a 4.0 this semester

  • do readings and take notes on reading at least 2 days before reading is due (sooner if possible)
  • turn in assignments at least 1 day early if allowed
  • on papers longer than 2-3 pages, have it peer reviewed
Fitness: Lose 20 lbs by Christmas break (as of last weighed right before school began)

  • work out 4 days a week & record workouts
  • vary work out styles to keep it fun and interesting
  • stretch every day
  • Eat a huge spinach salad (w/ oil & vinegar) at least 3 times a week 
  • sweets only Saturday, Sunday, or big holidays (like Halloween, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc)
As you can see, it's a lot of stuff to remember, but if I continually repeat it in my mind and actions, it will become habit rather than goal! 

Happy September!
