Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Opposition Whip Speech Outline - banning blood sports

Against Banning Blood Sports
Katherine Swanson – Opposition Whip

Question – If you had to choose which to shoot with your own hands, would you choose your wife, or your child?
-Morally, banning hunting necessitates banning use of all animal products, domestic and free.
-The very question of banning bloodsports is illogical when you consider the effects
-domestic animals are often killed in a slower, more torturous manner than hunted animals
The purpose: To reiterate what my colleagues have stated


  • Biblically – nowhere in the Bible does God tell people to refrain from eating meat – we are told to eat meat
    • Value of life; PEETA co-founder states outright that animal lives are more valuable than humans

  • Hunting and fishing is playing our part in the ecosystem & it's preservation To promote balance by controlling overpopulation and disease

  • humans are at the top of the food chain – instructed to eat meat
we are not exempt from the food chain

  • As an Industry – hunting and fishing not only supports families who really do need blood sports to prevent their children from malnutrition
    • Supplies retail, factory, and regulation jobs such as fish and game wardens, who prevent people from over-hunting or poaching
  • Unity builder – community, family, tradition

  • According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, hunting is the third-safest sport when compared to 28 other popular sports
    • It has a lower injury rate than tackle football, volleyball, and even golf
  • I urge you to remember that banning hunting would necessitate banning the use of domestic animal products, including bacon, beef, and leather.
  • Imagine a world with no burgers, steaks, leather jackets, or football
  • A world of malnourished Americans and a fast-falling economy
Cast Your Ballots in favor of our beautiful ecosystem-

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Major I Chose

Communications; Film

  • In January 2010 God called me to the movie industry and poured out to me how desperately that entire part of society desperately needs His love and light. I have always been disciplined, and I will need to be if I am to maintain my faith in a world where so many get swept away by sin.
  • I prefer working on projects and having the job change and fluctuate rather than a very predictable routine
  • I enjoy storytelling and crafting through words, clothing, set design, and utilizing the creativity of other people - Basically, I love creating little worlds and the stories for them
  • I have a passion for travel and new experiences; meeting new people and having a good chat with them is one of my favorite past-times
  • I have a lot of patience for when things go wrong or have to deviate, which happens a lot in film - lots of waiting, lots of technical difficulties
  • I am somewhat of a perfectionist in that I like to get any project (no matter the medium) in the best possible form before time is up
  • I have learned to take criticism well, listening and taking it into account, but not getting too torn up at the bad reviews either - rather, I learn from them
  • I am a free spirit and find it hard to be tied to one style or one definition for myself. I am multi-faceted, and proud to be that way! This is how a lot of people are in both theatre and film because they spend so much time exploring the lives of different characters, they learn more about themselves through that. 
  • I play Ukulele, I sketch, I write stories & poems & scripts, I sew clothing and costumes, I create films, I see the world in a series of scenes all divided by different shots. I believe God created humans to love and learn from stories, and telling stories is where I get the most satisfaction.
For the post this side of Christmas break,

May the good saints protect you
and bless you today.
And may trouble ignore you each step of the way. 
Christmas joy to you!
